Saturday – Sunday 4/30/16 – 5/1/16

DR. Fu 傅博士
从洛杉矶赶来陪同肖老师的黑帶八段峨眉內功、太極大師、 功夫杂志封面人物,自然疗法协会专家傅學理东方医学博士,同时举办。 免费太极气功疼痛讲座
通則不痛,痛則不通,任何人都 學得會的不用针的“气”针灸。教你1治:點按氣點3分鐘,消除彼此的頭、頸、肩、腰、膝、足根等部位疼痛至少一半以上。2練: 練氣功3分鐘降血壓,打通小週天強身。秘傳內功可讓65歲男士身輕體健,瘦脸,女士祛斑減肥,現場免费舌诊,演示调治, 立刻見效。讲座后立刻开班◇。
时间:4/30(周六)12:30pm-2pm. 免费讲座2-6:30pm上课地址:康年酒家(far east cafe)631 grant ave San Francisco ca94108 时间:5月1日(週日)1:30pm-3:30pm;免费讲座3:30-7:30pm上课
地址:美国无极功夫学院 (USA WuChi Kung Fu Academy)
40924 Fremont Bl,Fremont,Ca94538
報名電話:626-215-3353 626-757-9989网站
Join Master Xiao Jiaze for a seminar on the the essential relationship between Martial Arts and combat techniques. Often Martial Arts training focuses on performance of routines, but combat techniques to are ignored in the transmission of the techniques over time. Using principles from many Martial Traditions, including Emei, Xingyi, Bagua, Tai Chi, and Wudang, Master Xiao demonstrates, how all traditions should practice the pragmatic ‘art of war’ based on three elements: demonstration routines, martial arts combat, and exercise and fitness. To respect the succession of traditional martial arts and to apply scientific training methods, this is the right way of martial arts. Master Xiao is in San Francisco at the invitation of Kung Fu Magazine from Sichuan Province, China. He is a recognized expert in Emei, Zhili, Xingyi, Bagua, Tai Chi, and Wudang martial arts; he published his own Shi Wu martial arts teaching CD set and has trained a large number of gold medal winning martial artists. Master Xiao is a member of the Chinese Wushu Association, President of the Association of Sichuan Province Wushu Xie.
DR. Fu(Grand Master)
Free Health Seminar Grand Master Dr. Jack Fu, LAc, OMD
Learn special Acupressure and Qigong exercises to use at home. Heal yourself and your family.
Release pain, lower blood pressure, increase sexual energy, improve sense of wellbeing.
Master Fu is a Grand Master of Tai Chi and Qigong, a doctor of oriental medicine, and licensed acupuncturist. Experience his treatments first hand. Feel a noticeable difference in as little as 2 minutes. Learn special E-mei Qigong and Acupressure techniques to use at home with your family. Free tongue diagnosing also available. Good health, happy life.After seminar open class.
When: Sat 4/30/16 12:30pm-2:00pm seminar, 2:00pm-6:30pm class
Where: Far East cafe 631 grant Ave San Francisco ca 94108.
When: Sun 5/1/ 1:30pm-3:30pm;seminar3:30-7:30pm class
Where: USA WuChi Kung Fu Academy ( 40924 Fremont Bl, Fremont, Ca 94538)