任何人2天都學得會,可以自己練也可以給人治病的“氣 ”針灸,練:每天3分鍾降低高血壓,不藥而愈,峨眉秘传内功可以让64岁男人天天晨勃,调节女性内分泌祛斑美容,5分鍾打通小周天, 祛慢性病強身。治:教你用原始點松筋按摩法來調“氣”治好你家人的頭頸肩腰腿痛,減肥,胃痛,感冒,2分鍾顯效。今晚還有峨眉氣功及太極推手示範表演,並可讓每人3分鐘內自己感覺到氣,現場免費舌診調病。歡迎帶各種病人來現場檢測治療,當場見效。免费示范后立刻开始今晚和明早3小时的学习班,学习完全针对你的气功和按摩手法,在你离开本地前掌握你和家庭需要的养生法。配合使用美安产品健身效果加2倍。
6/20 ‘MA’Qi Acupuncture/Family Wellness Seminar
Learn special Qigong and Qi Acupressure to use at home to heal you and your family. Techniques include E-Mei Qigong exercise and Qi acupressure. Learn how to help with any pain, weight loss, and many other conditions. After just two minutes of applying these techniques you will feel a release of pain in your body. This Qigong exercise can make 64 year-old man still have morning erections, also can erase darks spots on the face. Free tongue diagnosing to determine your weakest areas will be available. You can get these techniques in only 3 hours study.
Taught by LA Qi Grand Master Dr. Jack Fu, LAc, OMD. For more information please see https://www.taichi-acupuncture.com; Tel:626-215-3353, Tel:626-757-9989
Dates and times: 6/20/15(Sat) 7:15pm-8:15pm ;免費講座時間:6/20(周六)7:15pm-8:15pm
Location講座地點: Paris Las Vegas (’MA’ chinese even same room)和美安大会同房间集合
報名電話:626-215-3353, 626-757-9989 傅博士網址:www.taichi –acupuncture.com