Herbs can be a powerful adjunct to acupuncture care. They are used to strengthen, build and support the body or to clear it of excess problems like a cold, fever or acute pain. Your practitioner may suggest starting with herbs and then adding acupuncture to your treatment in the future. This is suggested to build up your internal strength so you can receive the full benefits acupuncture has to offer.
- TaiJi Acupuncture17383 Sunset Blvd, Suite #A230
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272310-230-2145 - Mon - Sat9am - 6pm
- 5022 North Muscatel Ave
San Gabriel, CA 91776626-215-3353 - Mon - Sat8am - 10pmBy Appointment Only
TaiChi Schedule
A:Temple City Park middle white tent
9701 Las tunas Dr temple city, ca 91780
Tue 8pm----9pm
Wed 8pm---9pm
Sun 9am—11am
B:Santa Monica ocean ave side park
833 ocean Ave santa monica ca 90403
Wed 3:30pm—5pm
C:starbaks in the vons
17380 sunset Blvd ca 90272
Sat 9am---10am
137 Topaanga cyn Blvd ca 90290
Thu 6pm—7pm
Young Kids Wushu class
A:Temple City Park middle white tent
9701 Las tunas Dr temple city, ca 91780
Tue 7:20pm----8:05pm
Wed 7:20pm---8:05pm